JWG Strategic Partner


Managing risk together

ORX believes many heads are better than one. We’re here to bring the best minds of the international operational and non-financial risk community together.

By pooling our resources and by sharing ideas, information and experiences, we can learn how best to manage, understand and measure operational risk and become less vulnerable to losses. We work closely with over 100 member firms to advance and champion the discipline. We set the strategic agenda, publish thought leadership and develop data standards, taxonomies and libraries to drive innovation in an increasingly digitalised financial services environment.

ORX is owned and controlled on an equal basis by its members, but we also offer premium subscription services that are available even if you are not a member. These include:

  • ORX News â€“ collating content on operational risk loss events from various media sources around the globe
  • ORX Scenarios â€“ offering an extensive scenario library, scenario practice benchmark studies, and access to a global scenario practitioner network
  • ORX Cyber â€“ supporting cyber and information security risk professionals in the second line of defence with cyber-specific data exchange, research and discussion

For more information about ORX, visit our website at www.orx.org.

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