JWG Strategic Partner


The DTI Foundation (DTIF) is a non-profit organisation established by Etrading Software.  As the Registration Authority (RA) for the new International Organization for Standardization’s (ISO) standard ISO 24165 for Digital Token Identifiers (DTIs), the DTIF has the exclusive global mandate to issue DTIs to support industry and regulatory requirements for transparency and reduced operational risk.The DTI service complements the existing ISO standards such as, the Legal Entity Identifier (LEI) for tracking counterparties and the International Securities Identification Number (ISIN) enabling the Market to trade complex Derivatives or Smart-Contracts where underliers are potentially not Digital Assets, but traditional assets using the ISIN.

The DTI caters for identification of digital assets and includes representation of tokenized financial instruments, e-money tokens as well as other digital assets such as cryptocurrencies, virtual currencies, utility tokens, stablecoins, etc.

DTIF promotes standards for digital assets in order to provide the building blocks for a well-regulated marketplace. As digital assets gain momentum and broader adoption, regulation of this new asset class appears increasingly likely. The DTI enables market institutions to utilise ISO standards to assist with their preparations for regulatory compliance.

About Etrading Software

Etrading Software is the independent, global provider of technology-led solutions designed to assist financial institutions and industry initiatives to address the highly complex and constantly evolving market and regulatory challenges. Etrading Software designs, builds and operates technology solutions for capital markets clients, and in support of the digital markets, allowing clients to keep full governance and control using transparent and vendor-neutral solutions. Working with consortia through a mutualised approach, Etrading Software provides firms with the flexibility to not only meet new market and regulatory requirements but also continue to maintain and enhance such mutualised solutions while retaining control of the associated intellectual property and governance. Etrading Software has a European and Asian presence, with headquarters in London. For more information, please visit the website.


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Seminar: The Digital Asset RegTech challenge

April 5, 2022 1:00 pm


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