Now seems to be the time for vital standards discussions on financial services technology. But perhaps the overarching questions for a global industry like FinTech are: who sets the standards and how? Of late, bodies like the EC have begun asking such questions, for example in their Q2 FinTech consultation. Our view is that we
The terms FinTech and RegTech are both used increasingly frequently in the financial services industry. However, they are not by any means used consistently, or indeed necessarily separately. What they most definitely describe is the increasing use of technology in the provision of financial services and the solving of regulatory problems, but beyond that it
Looking at the FinTech and RegTech conversations in 2017 we find that there is considerable confusion about some basic terms, definitions and relationships amongst policy makers, academics and practitioners alike. The now much more popular term is being used to describe many things. When you say RegTech, do you mean it to be a subset