To discuss Digital Surveillance Rule (DSR) programme objectives and determine next steps.
Technology, data and infrastructure provision to banks now puts 3rd parties on the critical path for systemic oversight. Knowing your supply chain just became a lot more critical and complicated. There is an opportunity to take the pain away with a more joined up approach that requires senior engagement, trust and ‘safe space’
Presentation from SIG meeting on 27 July to review updates to the trade surveillance regulatory agenda, review global artificial intelligence gaps and agree next steps.
Presentation from SIG meeting on 18 May to review updates to the trade surveillance regulatory agenda, review global accountability regimes and agree priorities for RegTech and SupTech tooling.
In an increasingly digital sector with divergent rule sets, the ability to manage the global compliance deltas in complex senior management accountability rules is fast becoming a critical differentiator for senior management seeking to work across borders. As we summarized in our latest Beacon, JWG’s surveillance community has covered quite a patchwork of regulatory obligations