To discuss Digital Surveillance Rule (DSR) programme objectives and determine next steps.

Winning the ESG data Marathon in 2023

Winning the ESG data Marathon in 2023 With the ever-increasing focus on ESG transparency from regulators and clients, firms are racing to meet the requirements needed to make their mark in the global marketplace. This race requires tens of thousands of market participants to produce data according to different standards. However, with a proper plan

Hack-to-trade schemes and confidential information dealing on the dark web, combined with regulatory warnings about firms’ management of material non-public information (MNPI), are raising further concerns about markets’ ability to keep a lid on insider dealing and other forms of manipulation. The number of cases brought against individuals using stolen data or MNPI to trade,

Technology, data and infrastructure provision to banks now puts 3rd parties on the critical path for systemic oversight. Knowing your supply chain just became a lot more critical and complicated. There is an opportunity to take the pain away with a more joined up approach that requires senior engagement, trust and ‘safe space’

Why attend for Sponsors Why attend for Delegates Register Now   For our sixth annual RegTech conference we are bringing our global network of regulators, trade associations, academia, firms and leading technologists together to define the top challenges facing both private and public sector and debating potential strategies to overcome them. Our global regulatory debate

Presentation from SIG meeting on 27 July to review updates to the trade surveillance regulatory agenda, review global artificial intelligence gaps and agree next steps.

Presentation from SIG meeting on 18 May to review updates to the trade surveillance regulatory agenda, review global accountability regimes and agree priorities for RegTech and SupTech tooling.

INSEE approved as first French pre-LOU

INSEE has now gone live as the first French pre-LOU able to issue pre-LEIs. Details can be found on their website here (in French) . Translation below: The G20 has approved the unique device for intentifying market participants (global LEI system, GLEIS) agreed at the June 2012 Los Cabos Summit, which will facilitate the management