Regulators have begun the process of operating on the data backbone which underpins effective financial sector supervision. According to recent BIS research 10 jurisdictions including APAC (APRA, BSP, MAS) and Europe (EBA, ECB, Italy, UK, OeNB) have begun to overcome the obstacles which stand in the way of new tooling and more effective supervision. JWG,
Digital regulatory reporting – tipping point 2021 By PJ Di Giammarino, CEO JWG Group New JWG research has found supervisors to be focused on creating new standards for interpreting complex data needs in 2021 as the industry hits a tipping point for in its quest for digital standards that simplify complex regulatory reporting obligations. Global
By: PJ Di Giammarino After a decade of data challenges, Regulators are now taking cautious steps towards new reporting technology. New reports issued this month show that DRR finally has traction and that demand for better solutions is high as the industry pinpoints which areas to deploy it. We may finally be at a tipping point for both transactional and prudential data reporting. However, all eyes
 Watch the SupTech Roundtable Q&A A decade on from the financial crisis, the European Commission fitness check found different data modelling standards and reporting formats in place for transaction reporting and risk regimes. Efforts are underway to prove digital regulatory reporting can link reporting requirements to a business lifecycle to facilitate machine readability. This summer, the Bank