Digital Asset RegTech – OnDemand

This year  we will be producing 3 seminars which will facilitate regulator, firm and supplier collaboration and to develop and encourage interoperability between TradeFi and digital waves.  We are inviting Digital Asset, Crypto and TradFi market participants to join our 2022 Digital Finance Programme which will explore our global research and the role of Digital

Why attend for Sponsors Why attend for Delegates Register Now   For our sixth annual RegTech conference we are bringing our global network of regulators, trade associations, academia, firms and leading technologists together to define the top challenges facing both private and public sector and debating potential strategies to overcome them. Our global regulatory debate

In the last 48 hours, significant steps have been taken towards creating a more level playing field and higher levels of transparency for those who pay tax.  This article provides you with commentary on some of the main aspects that have occurred. JWG’s Customer Data Management Group (CDMG) last year discussed the complexities that the