A decade ago, JWG worked with Banking Technology to produce the world’s first RegTech magazine for our sector. We are now delighted to be hosting the 6th annual RegTech / SupTech Conference on 16 & 17 November 2021 which promises to be one of the most exciting, digital events of the season. Register Here Today Agenda
Why attend for Sponsors Why attend for Delegates Register Now For our sixth annual RegTech conference we are bringing our global network of regulators, trade associations, academia, firms and leading technologists together to define the top challenges facing both private and public sector and debating potential strategies to overcome them. Our global regulatory debate
Why attend for Sponsors Why attend for Delegates We are proud to announce that our 6th JWG conference on will take place on our expanded digital platform with tons of new ways to interact with the leaders and help shape the global debate. We are finalizing the agenda now so please let us know if you would like to
We are pleased to announce that PJ Di Giammarino, founder and CEO of JWG will be participating in the 5th European COST Conference on Artificial Intelligence in Finance and Industry on 03 September 2020. The aim of this conference is to bring together European academics, researchers, students, and industrial practitioners to discuss the application of Artificial Intelligence in Industry and Finance.