The UK’s Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) has commissioned 11 skilled persons reviews under Section 166 of the Financial Services and Markets Act 2000 into firms’ regulatory reporting in the last two quarters. The PRA commissioned nine prudential s166 reviews of deposit takers in the fourth quarter 2019/20 (December through February), according to publicly available information.

FS Compliance officers have been hit with an unprecedented deluge of 3,021 COVID-19 alerts 2 months into the pandemic, which JWG forecasts to be a total of 15,695 documents by year end.   Regulators expect firms to be able to navigate these difficult circumstances while delivering fair outcomes for customers and complying with existing rules. That’s one of the clear messages in these 3,000 plus regulatory updates.  Better RegTech tooling is

The State of Holistic Trade Surveillance – JWG research published 

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By PJ Di Giammarino Over the past few years, financial services firms have been investigating how to improve trade-related surveillance capabilities and techniques. Expectations from regulators and senior management have been placed under the microscope, mainly due to high surveillance noise levels across all communication channels and asset classes. In tracking this evolution of technologies

Q1 19 RegBeacon published

As we enter the year in which we will celebrate the 10th birthday of the G20 plan to make our financial services sector safe we wonder whether we are making enough progress? Armies of compliance staff are now required to run the firm and the standing armies are brought on in to help with the

New JWG research has found 374 ‘legislative initiatives’ targeted at financial services due in the next three years globally and regulators are increasingly less tolerant of poor data quality which is ever more crucial in demonstrating compliance. Thanks to MarkLogic, we are pleased to be able to host a global discussion on our findings. Come

You may have noticed that we snuck out a complete refresh of our websites this week. The revamped pages bring our thought leadership and technology offerings together for the first time. After 1,000,000+ page views from 190 countries since 2012, this was a big migration. Why do it now? Well, as readers of these pages

It is no secret that the City of London is a significant pillar of the UK economy. With financial services accounting for around 12% of the UK’s economic output, it generates more tax revenues than any other industry. It comes as no surprise then that the post-Brexit UK-EU relationship relating to financial services is a key

With the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) coming into force, it is time to reflect on such a huge overhaul of the data protection laws affecting every organization operating within the UK and the EU, from schools to large multinationals. To put things into perspective, in the UK alone, GDPR impacts over 500,000 data controllers

One of the key conclusions reached at our Capital Markets conference on 7 March  was that regulatory divergence as a potential consequence of Brexit is currently one of the main worries for financial firms. When polled, 53% of our audience indicated that Brexit will be their next significant regulatory challenge. This anxiety derives mainly from

At this year’s RegTech Capital Markets Conference a debate took place on the benefits of using RegTech for trade surveillance in the context of the evolving technical landscape, led by expert industry professionals on compliance and surveillance. Taking into consideration the volume and quality of data firms are expected to monitor, whether the current system

Today, JWG have published their much anticipated analysis report, ‘G20 FS reform: will you survive or thrive?’. The report surveys regulatory efforts from 131 regulatory bodies which have produced approximately 50,000 documents since 2009.  It finds that the volume, pace and complexity of deciding how to comply with a continually evolving regulatory agenda are staggering:

JWG analysis. Last week the Prudential Regulation Authority (PRA) released several key documents including its annual Policy Statement amending certain aspects of the PRA Rulebook. These policy changes are sure to have an impact across all firms that come under the PRA’s regulatory jurisdiction. The PRA has: Amended eight of its Fundamental Rules which replaced its