JWG RegTech Beacon 29 published

2023 RegTech Beacon â€“ Guiding your way through regulatory storms  We are delighted to publish the 29th issue of JWG’s RegTech Beacon which now serves as our yearbook and recaps 2022 accomplishments as well as providing an outlook of what lies ahead. Our RegTech outlook is one of collaboration between the front office and its supporting

2022 RegTech Outlook

New digital rails are being laid next to traditional finance (TradFi) which puts RegTech in the critical role of integrating markets and defining safety standards. In our inaugural episode of RegCast here we lay out the key themes which peek over the horizon as JWG enters its second decade of RegTech. RegTech meets Digital Finance

JWG RegTech Beacon 28 published

RegTech Beacon â€“ Guiding your way through global regulatory storms. We are delighted to publish the 28th issue of JWG’s RegTech Beacon which now serves as our yearbook that recaps 2021 accomplishments and provides an outlook of what lies ahead. Our focus this year is defining the next steps required for a truly digital financial infrastructure. 

JWG RegTech Beacon 27 published

RegTech Beacon â€“ Guiding your way through global regulatory storms. 2021 is off to a fast start with regulators redoubling their efforts to police a more digitally enabled market. In this Members newsletter we provide an overview of what JWG has been up to and what lies ahead. Topics covered: New themes for RegCast. We summarize our research on emerging global digital regulatory themes and

By Corrina Stokes  RegBeacon illuminates the path for JWG’s third decade  It is with pride that we publish the first update from our third decade of working collaboratively to enable better, faster, cheaper and safer regulatory change within Financial Services.  It is staggering to step back and look at the breadth of our research agenda. Last year we dove into AML,

Our industry has gotten serious about its approach to climbing the RegTech mountain. Are we sprinting yet? Certainly not, but the course has become much clearer, the participants much more engaged and the contestants in it for real benefits. Public and private sector boards are at a crossroads – but by and large, we are

Q1 19 RegBeacon published

As we enter the year in which we will celebrate the 10th birthday of the G20 plan to make our financial services sector safe we wonder whether we are making enough progress? Armies of compliance staff are now required to run the firm and the standing armies are brought on in to help with the

Latest RegBeacon published

We are now 10 years on from the crisis which began the seemingly never-ending stack of regulation that we continue to plough through. As with any infrastructure project the post-crisis regulatory framework requires renewal and repair. Regulators are revisiting reporting regimes and data standards, and are looking at the emergence of new technology, whilst at

Latest RegBeacon published

2017 was a year of profound upheaval for firms and regulators. As we move in 2018 we publish our latest RegBeacon, we are looking ahead and reviewing the trends shaping the global financial landscape in 2018 and beyond. Our message to the industry is that, even though we have seen off numerous deadlines and challenges

Latest RegBeacon published

As we head into the final MiFID II implementation straight we publish our latest RegBeacon, but our message to the industry is that the ‘end’ is far from sight. We are becoming firm believers that there will be more work done to deliver this set of changes after the due date, than in the run

Latest RegBeacon available now

Over the past quarter, we have made considerable progress towards the creation of a RegTech Council. In this members-only issue we cover our latest activity in the RegTech arena including:   The progress of our new RegTech SIGs – The restructured membership groups are broadening and improving our coverage MIG update – With 6 months to go, firms are moving from

Latest RegBeacon available now

With the industry facing a 60,000 regulatory document mountain, JWG is finding new ways to deploy technology and crowd sourcing to help. In this members-only issue we cover our RegTech outlook and initiatives including:   Launch of JWG’s new RegTech SIGs – The restructured membership groups are broadening and improving our coverage MIG update – With

RegBeacon shines light on 2017

Seismic decisions around the globe last year will make this year the most uncertain for future plans since the G20 agreed regulatory implementation priorities in 2009. Though the shifting tectonic plates of geopolitics will dominate 2017 headlines, the uncertainty doesn’t matter from an implementation perspective. There is an unprecedented level to change to get on

Latest edition of RegBeacon published

We are pleased to publish the latest copy of our newsletter, RegBeacon. In this edition we look back on a quarter that saw us take major steps forward with our regulatory change management platform, RegDelta, host more than 10 industry working groups and agree to host another crucial conference on RegTech. As politicians, courts, regulators

Q1 RegBeacon now available to members

We are pleased to publish the 14th edition of our members only newsletter, RegBeacon. RegBeacon, is now available here. In this quarter we look one of the most contentious periods since the G20 agreed the regulatory reform agenda seven years ago. As politicians, courts, regulators, and firms wrestle with the same issues, we see a

JWG analysis. Q3 has been an incredibly busy quarter for global regulators. We could fill pages with acronyms describing the new requirements for financial institutions, but we will spare you that. Instead, RegBeacon will provide an overview of the latest developments in the regulatory landscape as well as updating you on what the JWG team

JWG analysis. The removal of a number of financial practices has altered the regulatory environment in recent decades.  With new landmark legislations coming in to play soon, regulators across Europe look set to bring down the curtain on another. Under the existing practice of bundled commissions, asset managers charge clients to manage their funds but

RegBeacon now published for members.

JWG analysis. Since the turn of the year, we have not seen the pace of reform slow down. We could fill pages with acronyms describing the new requirements for financial institutions, but we will spare you that. We are aiming high and expanding our coverage beyond the G20 to track over 600 regulatory initiatives and

RegBeacon now published for members.

Happy New Year!  Many may have been disappointed by snowless mountains this year but here, in the FS sector, our regulators are making sure we’re covered. Far from a light dusting, this year’s ‘Christmas dump’ exceeded our expectations and all corners of the earth are now digging out from under the 4,000 pages that fell

Our latest edition of the members-only newsletter, RegBeacon, is now available here. In this issue we’ve looked at the key issues to be aware of as we head into summer, namely: –  EU trading on the boil with EMIR and MiFID II –  Top ten trends to watch out for –  Membership update –  RegTechFS update –

RegBeacon now available to JWG members

Our winter 2013 edition of the members-only newsletter, RegBeacon, is now available here (after logging in, you can find RegBeacon on the publications page in the media centre). We’ve worked hard to shine a meaningful, but comprehensive, spotlight on the key waves breaking over 2014. In this edition you’ll find our views on: 2014 regulatory outlook CDMG 2013